Anaesthetic procedures during hip surgery - Dr. Michael Lehmann
There are various anaesthetic options available for hip surgery that allow the procedure to be carried out without the patient experiencing any pain whatsoever. Essentially, a choice can be made in relation to hip surgery between general anaesthesia and conductive anaesthesia close to the spinal cord (spinal or peridural anaesthesia).
General anaesthetic for hip surgery
With general anaesthesia, the patient is put in a state similar to deep sleep. The patient is unconscious and has no perception of pain. Before general anaesthesia, a sedative is generally administered so that any muscle tension is kept to a minimum ahead of the procedure. General anaesthesia is the anaesthetic of choice for hip arthroscopies. This is because general anaesthesia allows the most muscle relaxation, allowing the joint line to be widened markedly. This means that the arthroscopy instruments can be inserted without damaging the joint and injuries to the cartilage can be avoided.
Spinal anaesthesia for hip surgery
Spinal anaesthesia is a sophisticated method that injects local anaesthetic specifically into the lower part of the spinal column at the point where the nerves to the legs exit the spinal cord. This allows the sensation of pain the leg and hip region to be specifically switched off. The advantage of this method over general anaesthesia is that the organs and circulation are not burdened with anaesthetic drugs and no artificial ventilation is needed either. Depending on the patient's preferences, a sedative can also be given alongside the spinal anaesthetic. The most suitable method for each individual case should be determined always be discussed with an experienced anaesthetist.